Did you know that in one recent year the value of the gold market was as much as $22 trillion? Gold is the ultimate investment. It rarely loses its value and is constantly sought after.

Do you have gold reserves sitting at home? You might not think so. However, many people have priceless gold items sitting in their homes that are far more valuable than they realize.

How can you tell if your gold items have true value or are cheap replicates? Why not follow our in-depth article to find out.

Is It Magnetic?

The first test that you can use is probably the simplest. If you want to know quickly and easily whether your gold items are genuine or not, you simply need a magnet.

Although most metals are magnetic, real gold is not. If you try the magnet test and find that the magnet has even a slight influence on the “gold”, it probably means that it contains other metals.

While this is not the most conclusive test, it is a good start. What other tests can you easily apply?

Does It Have the Correct Weight?

Some gold items are sold according to weight and value. You simply need to evaluate whether your gold item meets the weight and size that you would expect.

Gold is a very dense metal. A small amount of gold can weigh more than the equivalent amount of another metal. This means that a supposedly gold item that weighs as much as you would expect but has large dimensions probably contains other metals or materials.

Learning how much your gold items should weigh and the correct dimensions can help you to assess their true value.

Nitric Acid Test

This is a little more extreme but can provide conclusive evidence that your items are made from pure gold. This is because if the item is not pure gold, you will permanently damage it.

The test is based on the fact that gold is resistant to oxidation and corrosion. This means that if the metal is pure gold, the acid will not affect it negatively. Acid is available at different strengths. This means that you can test the carat value of the gold using the same method.

In this case, it is always better to apply a lower strength acid than necessary. You should apply an acid for 22-carat gold to a 24-carat gold item. This way you reduce the risk of accidentally damaging your gold by applying an acid that is too strong.

Are Your Gold Items Real? And Many Other Important Questions Answered

If you are interested in learning the true value of your possessions, do not forget to learn the value of the items of jewelry that you own. Many people have genuine treasures at home, including gold items, that are worth far more than they realize.

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