When you are buying a car, a house, or new furniture, you may need to apply for a loan FreeholdThe question is what type of investment property loans chicago il do you need?  There are several different categories of loans along with different types.  For example, there are unsecured and secured loans and auto loans, mortgage loans, and more.

Loan categories

  • Secured—with this loan, you will be required to put up a personal asset. This can be a home or vehicle. The reason is if you default on the loan, the one that lent you the money can repossess that asset.  This is called collateral.
  • Unsecured—this is a personal loan that is not back up by any collateral. If you do not repay the loan, you can have your loan sent to collections or even be taken to court.  With no collateral, there is nothing the lender can repossess.  This type of loan will usually have a higher interest loan because there is more risk.
  • Open-ended—this loan Howellhas a fixed-limit line of credit, which you can borrow from again and again. The amount available to borrow will decrease as you spend it but will increase when you repay it.  A credit card is this type of loan.
  • Closed-ended—these are one-time loans that you cannot borrow from again. There is a fixed amount that you can borrow, and it will be repaid over the agreed amount of time.  If you want to borrow again, you must reapply.  An auto loan is this type of loan.
  • Conventional—these are back by private lenders, like a bank. They have stricter qualifications requirements.  They generally require you to have a large down payment and a strong credit score.
  • Non-conventional—these are loans that are backed by the government, which means that they ensure the loans. The qualifications are more lenient, can have a smaller down payment, and a lower credit score.  One type of this loan is an FHA loan.

Common loans

  • Mortgage and home—this loan Freehold will be used to purchase real estate property or home.
  • Auto—this is used to purchase a new vehicle, which is often used as collateral. The amount you can borrow will depend on the value of the collateral.
  • Student—this loan is what you borrow when you are going to college, a trade school, to future your education. It can include tuition and room and board.
  • Payday—this is a type of cash loan that is paid back on your next paycheck. They are mostly used in an emergency.  Most will have a high APR and high lending fees.
  • Business—these are taken out to help set up a new business. They are also used to expand one that is already established.  They are often secured loans.


Before you apply for a loan Howell, you need to take the time and decide which type of loan you want and the purpose for the loan.  You should know your credit score, know how much you can afford to repay, and more.  Do your research before applying for a loan.